DBControl by Metalogic
DBControl is a dynamic memory management software product based on expert systems technology. DBControl optimises memory allocation on Unisys A Series MCP systems running DMSII databases. DBControl users take full advantage of their existing memory configurations and benefit from optimum system throughput. DBControl provides increased multi-tasking levels for both DMSII and non DMSII jobs, whilst reducing response times and thrashing.
DBControl has considerable monitoring facilities; database performance statistics can be stored to disk and viewed, in real-time, from any COMS or CANDE station. From such a station, the user can easily control and inspect all DBControl’s runtime parameters allowing optimal tuning of DBControl and database memory performance.
To see more of DBControl and how it can help you, please contact us. You can also get the datasheet from the downloads page.
Supervisor is owned by Metalogic S.à r.l., Luxembourg.